From a toddler crying for the pacifier to a flower that craves being walked on,
From the smell of rain to the scented perfume on a Shame,
From mother to a child,
From the big bang to the world beyond the horizon over the ocean,
From a pat on the head to a million pieces shattered on the ground,
From a body covered in veins to one with only four limbs, two horns and a pointy tail,
From a guarded castle to the blade on a guillotine that paints blood of thousands,
From intertwined fingers to bruised knuckles,
From dimpled cheeks to a red canal across the wrist,
From daybreak to when even the clock can no longer tell time,
From an atlas to a dead end in the alley,
From human to ashes,
From everything to nothing,
From first to last;
There is a Chinese saying which is roughy translated to as 'there is never a feast that can keep its guests at the table for ever',
Meaning whatever comes together falls apart.
If infinity ever comes to its limits, it is going to look like two suns in the same solar system, burning anything that comes near.