hoping God would tell me where it all went wrong.
Little did I know that prayers are never answered in words,
they only come as painful lessons that we find absurd:
like how I’ve never known what a breaking heart sounds like
until you hurt me the way I hurt you with a mouthful of spikes;
like how I’ve never realized Selfishness has a face
until I looked into the mirror at the reflection of a disgrace.
People do things they know they’ll regret, isn’t life strange?
It is only when they lose everything, they start to change.
I crossed my crooked heart to be who you want me to be
but when I try to be that person, I just don’t feel like I am me.
Sweet darling, you have been my hero, but I am no heroine
when my pride leaves us with love like heroin.
We’re two little people living in this big mad world,
dying to feel alive in this maze mapped like a whirl;
two demi-lovers standing at a dead-end we put ourselves in,
hopelessly craving a door on the wall to get us out of this labyrinth.
Ignorance would say, “when there is a will, there is a way.”
But there is no going back for two hearts without enough faith.
(A poetry response to Life is Strange ©Silas Tsui:
When things go wrong and nobody knows why,
I wonder if God is watching us above the sky.
Beneath our skins are lust, sloth pride,
Not to mention gluttony, greed and envy underlie.
I cross my heart and hope to die,
For my wrath to finally subside.
People regret for what they should've,
So, time for a few words to whom I'm fond of,
"Our relationship in essence, was nothing more than Demi-love,
But, I'll always keep in mind that we could've.")