Friday, September 14, 2012

Losing It

They asked me what I regretted most, I never really regretted anything -
until memories strike me like a thunderstorm, have me realizing this hurricane is what embraces me, cleansing me with its heavy rain.

Thinking back, there is one thing that I regret.

On the previous Valentine's Day, I was dedicated this song from a very special person. He was not the type of guy I had longed for - if I had to be frank. Still, he gave all that he had just to prove himself and prove his love and devotion. I wasn't pleased with his actions at all. I had never come across anyone like him in my life before, and when I did, I panicked, I was terrified to learn how much effort he had been putting in it.

It freaked me out to know that he was already attached and I felt sorry to have him falling so deep. Guilt tortured me. It pretty much explained why I pulled myself back and stepped out of his life. He thought he had lost me, he thought he was nothing but a burden, then he chose to let go.

We all thought he had lost me, until the moment when this song reminds me of us, I know it isn't true that he has lost me - in fact, I was the ignorant, selfish, spoiled girl who had no idea how lucky I was; in fact, I had lost him, forever. He has moved on, and he is happy with what he's got now. I am happy for him as well.

No, I don't love him now, but this song is strongly significant to the bond between us. He knew me more than I knew myself.

The last moment when he chose to leave me - I still remember - he said that it would be my loss; he said that someday, I would regret.

I guess he really does know me well.

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